Safer Cleaners & Degreasers For All

Safer Cleaners & Degreasers
For All



Cleaners and degreasers are one of the highest use materials in electronics assembly, which is why it is so critical that they be as safe as possible in their formulation and usage.

To safeguard the health and well-being of hundreds of thousands of workers in the global electronics assembly industry, ChemFORWARD, in partnership with Apple, has developed a rapid-screening framework and has populated a shared repository of chemical hazard assessments for common ingredients used in cleaning formulations with a focus on identifying safer alternatives.

Use of detailed hazard assessments and evaluation of all substances used in cleaners and degreasers through leading certification programs enables manufacturers to move beyond hazard control and toward the use of verified safer chemistry.

Source safer cleaners, improve worker safety >>



Transitioning suppliers to safer chemical alternatives protects workers and the world we live in.

Work on safer chemistry is resource-intensive, from gathering information, to assessing the data, to identifying safer alternatives. Our goal is to equip the chemical formulators of cleaners and degreasers with best practices to rigorously assess and optimize the safety of their ingredients and products. ChemWorks was created as a hub for safer chemistry resources, the sharing of safer alternatives, and the promotion and use of products that meet industry-leading standards.

For Formulators: Get Started! >>



ChemWorks is a collaboration of brands, NGOs and certification programs working to scale the availability and accelerate the adoption of safer cleaners that protect workers and the environment. ChemWorks is informed by an advisory group and led by the non-profit organization, ChemFORWARD.

Learn more about this effort >>

”The well-being of our employees, customers, people in our supply chain, and protecting the planet are top priorities for Apple. That’s why we’re committed to advancing the adoption of safer chemistry in our products — which also extends to acting collectively to enhance knowledge of a chemical’s performance, safety properties, and environmental impact. Assessing substances by considering these three factors helps drive innovations that don’t require trade-offs."

APPLE 2023